Silva Life System Class

Silva Method Louisiana - Man Meditating

Système de vie Silva

Participate in life changing events that help you overcome obstacles and live your life’s purpose!


  1. Transform Chaos Into Flow – Silva gives you tools to transform stress into clarity, creativity, and even relaxation.

  2. Positive Thoughts = Positive Outcomes – The techniques in the Silva Life System program help you uncover your life purpose, solve those problems that block you, and transform that negative inner voice into a positive, supportive mentality.

  3. Enhance Mind-Body Healing – In the Silva Life System you will learn a variety of mental visualization methods designed to accelerate your mind and body’s natural capacity for physical and emotional healing.

  4. Boost Your Creativity – The Silva Life System will teach you to enter the alpha level at will and then to use your creative mind to help you find solutions and let inspiration flow.

  5. Active Powerful Goals – The Silva Life System is more than a motivational self-help course. Silva gives you more than inspiration; it gives you tools for daily living.

  6. Mental Training & Performance Enhancement – The Silva Life System is more than a motivational self-help course. Silva gives you more than inspiration; it gives you tools for daily living.

  7. Sleep Soundly & Wake Up Energized – Silva teaches you to “command” your mind to let you fall asleep when you choose to. You also learn to set your internal clock to be able to wake up anytime – without the use of an alarm clock.

  8. Use the Power of Dreams – With Silva Dream Control techniques you can use your dreams to help boost your problem-solving abilities, creativity and inspiration.

  9. Enhance Your Intuition – Through our proprietary scientific and time-tested process, you’ll learn how to use your innate psychic abilities for everyday problem-solving and decision making, resulting in a happier, more successful, and more confident life.

Meet Your Instructor
Pat Arnould
Silva Method Louisiana - Pat Arnould

Pat has practiced the Silva techniques since 1979. She has many intriguing and exciting success stories. She loves sharing her positive way of thinking with others. As a Silva Instructor she is afforded the avenue to help others accomplish a better life; for Pat is “Better and Better, everyday in every way.”

Pat Arnould Classes
Silva Classes
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