About Us
Change Your Life
Take your life to the next level with the Silva Method
The mission of the Silva Method is to awaken people to their own inherent human potential.
We guide you with structured life-transforming tools and techniques that result in positive and lasting change for yourself and those around you. Our purpose is to create and leave a better world for those who follow us. We do this by teaching you the Dynamic Meditation skills you need to enhance your intuition and take command of your life.
The techniques help the trained people in gaining massive mental control. They can control their mind and channel their thoughts to bear positive and productive outcomes. The Silva method works like a miracle for thousands of people as they have stated after the successful practice of these techniques, they felt more relaxed, stress-free, optimistic, and have an increased level of concentration in their work. It helped them gain a calm mind and a happy soul. The method of visualization works wonders in hundreds of lives and helps gain better health and improves creativity. Additionally, it also helps to overcome mental and physical challenges in our day-to-day life.
You will, as a result, find yourself navigating life with GRACE AND EASE.
Pat was guided to the Silva Mind Control Method (as it was called then) in quite an interesting way. As she thinks of it now she realizes it was “divine intervention”. She took her first Silva Class in April 1979 with Roy and Maree Proctor. The Proctors had a Center in New Orleans and had on-going activities. In August 1979 she took the Graduate Level Class. Pat went to New Orleans at least once a month, thereafter, to attend classes and other graduate activities. She facilitated a cottage group in Baton Rouge.
The name Silva Mind Control fascinated Pat. Her first thoughts were that this was an avenue to help her get control of her mind. She was always intrigued by the things in her life that happened or materialized just because. The “just because” is what guided her to the Silva Mind Control Method Basic Lecture Series (BLS) class. The promise of learning techniques to improve her life and do it “now” as opposed to later was all she needed to convince her to travel to New Orleans for the class.
The BLS class launched her forward into continuing improvements, excitements, and adventures. The simple methodology of using formula techniques to achieve a life of excellence continues to keep her motivated and energized in all she does. Sharing this with others is very important to Pat.
After the Silva training, Pat realized that her only limitations were those she imposed on herself. She went to college as a non-traditional student (overcoming the thoughts of being too old), completed an Accounting Degree in 1985, her MBA in 1991 and passed the CPA exam in 1993. In 1998 she started a Ph.D. program in Public Policy.
Pat enjoys a very exciting life and loves to learn. She continues learning with every opportunity that manifests. The more she learns the more she wants to learn because it enables her to be of more help and service to others.
Pat has had several experiences teaching and after being urged by a long time Silva Instructor, Pat decided to become a Silva Instructor and Success Coach. She realized that this would be the best way to help others achieve the life of their own design. She enjoys coaching people and getting them to realize that they are in control of their own destination. She relishes feedback from students about their successes and loves the energy from their excitement. With each student there is an exponential growth of positive feelings, energy and ideas. And the positive actions that take place helps make this planet a better place.
Pat has practiced the Silva techniques since 1979. She has many intriguing and exciting success stories. She loves sharing her positive way of thinking with others. As a Silva Instructor she is afforded the avenue to help others accomplish a better life; for Pat is “Better and Better, everyday in every way.”
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Silva Life System Class
Système de vie Silva
Participate in life changing events that help you overcome obstacles and live your life’s purpose!

Silva Intuition System Class
Système d'intuition Silva
The only thing standing between you and total intuitive living is the resistance within your mind.

Silva Method Classes – Online
Classes Méthode Silva – en ligne
Both the Silva Life System and Silva Intuition System classes will be offered virtually in the very near future.
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About the Silva Method

Who is Jose Silva
1914 - 1999
Jose Silva is the founder of The Silva Method, and a pioneer in mind empowerment research. Silva dedicated his life to awakening the human mind’s hidden potential. After 24 years of research, he released his findings in 1966 and spent the rest of his life perfecting and teaching The Silva Method. Silva’s legacy is carried on today through Silva International, an organization committed to continuing his mission.
In 1966, a radio repairman from Texas found the answer
Jose Silva began his journey as a humble radio repairman in Laredo, Texas, and later as an electronics instructor with the United States Army Signal Corps.
Despite his career in electronics, Silva had a keen interest in hypnosis and the workings of the human mind. He spent his days working at his job and his nights studying the work of thought leaders like Freud, Jung and Adler.
The turning point that rocketed Silva towards his breakthroughs was a simple question. How do you make the mind more efficient?
Through his professional knowledge, Silva already knew that reducing the resistance in an electrical wire allowed more electricity to flow through it (known as Ohm’s law). Using this theory as an anchor, he then wondere …
What the scientific community has to say about the Silva Method
In the past 5 decades, The Silva Method has touched over 6 million lives in 110 countries, and is used by everyone from celebrities to high-flying CEOs to regular people in search of personal breakthroughs.
Our books have sold over 12 million copies, our seminars continue to sell out across the world, and our findings have been endorsed and practiced by many of the world’s most respected scientists, doctors, thought leaders and spiritual teachers.
A program backed by science and research

We have spent nearly 50 years researching, experimenting and collaborating with leading scientists, researchers and personal growth leaders. The first scientist to investigate the research of The Silva Method was Dr. J. Wilfrid Hahn of the Mind Science Foundation in California, who went on to endorse our work. Since then, various research institutions, universities and scientists have studied and verified our research, including: Duke University, Trinity University, The University of Texas at Austin, Wayland Baptist University, Long Island University, and Canisius College.
Over the years we have continued to fine-tune the process of tapping into the human mind’s inner potential-and often profoundly changing our students’ lives in the process. We do this through an optimized curriculum that includes the Centering Exercise, guided meditations, visualization techniques, intuition-enhancing tools and Theta level exercises, which guide our students into an even deeper level of mind than Alpha.
Are you living life at the "Alpha Level"?
Mind science research has suggested that the key to most of the things we want in life, whether it’s abundance, career success, health, happiness or enlightenment, lies in a particular state of mind caused by specific frequencies of the brain.
Scientists call these frequencies alpha and theta brainwaves frequencies.
We attained these states of mind unconsciously during sleep. The question is… how do you achieve this state of mind during waking consciousness? And more importantly, how do you use it to overcome your limitations and challenges, triumph over your unwanted habits and negative thought patterns, and enrich certain aspects of your life?
The Silva Method in media

Extract from a New York Times Article on Jose Silva
“A recent study by Trinity University, San Antonio, Tex. would appear to indicate that graduates of Mind Control do attain a high degree of Alpha production. C. W. Post College, Greenvale, L. I., is planning to offer the course at its business school this fall and Canisius College will offer it in its Department of Religious Studies. A visit to a Mind Control class in New York discloses more stockbrokers than bearded way outs and the dress style is closer to Brookes Brothers than to the East Village. A major New York company has sent all its top executives through the course and its president, a hard-headed businessman is seriously thinking of instituting an in-house training program for all employees. He refused to speak for the record, saying, We think there is something there, but I don’t want to alarm our stockbrokers at the moment. Other businessmen are not so reluctant. Lee Epstein, a vice- president and art group supervisor at Doyle Dane Bernbach volunteered: It opened the gates for me. It has re-energized me, made me more creative and yet more relaxed. I practice it every day and get better and better at my job and my life.”
"What would happen if you could reduce the resistance in the human brain?"

Would doing this cause it to be more efficient at absorbing information, and perhaps even grant it access to reservoirs of previously hidden creativity and intuition? Driven by this theory, Silva began a thorough process of research and experimentation, starting with his own children. By training them to function at brain frequency levels known as Alpha and Theta-levels of deep relaxation that most people experience while meditating or in light sleep-he was able to significantly improve their grades at school, and even found evidence of enhanced intuitive functioning within them.
State | Brain Wave Frequency (cycles per second) | Associated with ... |
Beat | 14 - 21 and higher | Waking state, the five senses. Perception of time and space. |
Alpha | 7 - 14 and higher | Light sleep, meditation, intuition. No time and space limitation. |
Theta | 4 - 7 and higher | Deeper sleep, meditation. |
Delta | 0 - 4 and higher | Deep sleep. You are unconscious at Delta. |
In the following years, Silva began sharing his methods with other people in his community. What he found was that by teaching people to consciously guide themselves to the Alpha and Theta level of mind through Centering Techniques, he could show many of them how to, while fully conscious, reprogram their minds like a computer.
Why is this important? Well imagine being able to rewire yourself, without spending thousands of dollars on a professional hypnotherapist. What if you could more easily overcome bad habits like smoking or snacking? What if you could raise your IQ, cultivate a positive wealth mindset, and awaken your mind’s natural healing capacity, all by rewiring your subconscious.
The result that follow were highly encouraging. A multitude of silva practitioners began reporting a variety of benefits, from stress relief to enhanced creativity and intuition to even potentially accelerated physical and emotional healing.
In short, people who used The Silva Method were often able to achieve greater control over their emotional state, their habits, their careers and finances, and their health.