The Silva Method – Tools and Techniques Changed My Life

Silva Method Louisiana - Research Silva Method

Have you ever had a fear so great that the Law of Attraction manifests it more? I developed a horrible fear of lightening as a young adult. My body would go into shock and I would be immobilized. Because of the Law of Attraction, I have witnessed lightening striking trees, church steeples, transformers, and sandy beaches. Some of my family and friends were afraid to be around me when a storm was expected for fear that lightening would hit them or their home.

Within two months after taking Silva Method classes in 1979, the opportunity for me to witness lightening presented itself. I was able to see the beauty in the bolts of lightening and was able to reflect on the power of nature. I have not seen a lightening strike since. Fear of lightening was just one of my issues that I was able to release after taking the Silva Method classes. My success has continued to manifest ever since. What is it you would like to alter in your life?

Meet Your Instructor
Pat Arnould
Silva Method Louisiana - Pat Arnould

Pat has practiced the Silva techniques since 1979. She has many intriguing and exciting success stories. She loves sharing her positive way of thinking with others. As a Silva Instructor she is afforded the avenue to help others accomplish a better life; for Pat is “Better and Better, everyday in every way.”

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